Diagnostic Generalities of Thyroid Cancer


  • María de Jesus George Bell Medicals resident,. Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso General Hospital, Santiago de Cuba
  • Josefa Bell Castillo Doctor of Pedagogical Science; Second Degree Specialist in Internal Medicine;Associate Professor; Master in Medical Emergencies; Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso General Hospital, Santiago de Cuba.
  • Wilberto George Carrion Doctor of Pedagogical Science; Second Degree Specialist in Internal Medicine;Associate Professor; Master in Medical Emergencies; Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso General Hospital, Santiago de Cuba.


Endocrine system, Risk factors, Thyroid cancer, Anatomopathological variety


Scientific-technical advances have made it possible to specify that thyroid cancer is the most common malignancy of the endocrine system, with more annual deaths compared to other cancers of endocrine origin combined; despite the low mortality rate. Thyroid Cancer is a malignant tumor or growth caused by the abnormal and uncontrolled development of cells that invade and destroy thyroid tissue, currently being the most frequent endocrine neoplasm. A bibliographic review of the selected topic was carried out, at the same time the Infomed platform was considered on its Scielo consultation site of Cuban and foreign authors, in addition to the Internet, the consultation library of the Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso General Hospital. A total of 36 bibliographic from various authors were analyzed; which allowed the analysis and discussion of the results obtained, in a comparative manner according to the sections. We proceeded to assess and give an opinion about this disease, taking into account an ethical and professional framework. It is concluded that it is important to know the clinical and diagnostic generalities of thyroid cancer in the current context because health professionals must appropriate the clinical and epidemiological method to know the classification of this disease, the type of cancer, the anatomopathological variety, the presence or absence of metastases, which reveals the need to indicate, perform and interpret complementary tests, depending on the scientific and technical availability of each laboratory. This aspect is widely debated by multidisciplinary groups that deal with thyroid cancer, an alert is being carried out worldwide to work on the risk factors of this neoplasm to reduce incidence, prevalence and mortality..





