L’hermitte–Duclos Disease In An Infant: A Case Report With Review of Literature


  • Dr.UwaisRiazUlHasan M.Med Department of General Surgery, Al Omran General Hospital, Al Hassa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Dr.Khathija Hasan M.Med
  • Dr. Farooq Ahmed Qureshi MS
  • Dr. Shaima Khan M.B.B.S, D.O.W.H
  • Dr. Victor Effiong Obong M.B.B.Ch, MWACS Department of General Surgery, Al Omran General Hospital, Al Hassa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Dr.Mohammed Abdullah Ahmed Alkhalaf M.B.B.S
  • Dr. Mohammed AbdulMajeed Alghadeer M.B.B.S
  • Dr. Ali AbdulMajeed Alghadeer
  • Dr. Ali Hussain AlShuhayb M.B.B.S
  • Dr. Manar Abubaker Ahmed Bahammam M.B.B.S
  • Dr.ShehlaRiazUlHasan Phd
  • Dr. Moath AbdulAziz AlMasoud M.D


L’hermitte–Duclos, tiger strip MRI, Signs in infant.


Jacques Jean Lhermitte a French neurologist and P. Duclos in 1920 first described a growth in the
cerebellum gangliocytoma, as a rare hamartomata’s lesion due to abnormal development of the
cerebellum. Since then it has been called by many names Lhermitte-Duclos disease, dysplastic
gangliocytoma of the cerebellum, benign hypertrophy of the cerebellar cortex, granular cell hypertrophy
and Purkinjeoma. It is a characteristic radiological feature and there has been reported in over 200 cases
worldwide in adolescents [1] and old people but a handful of cases are detected and reported in infants.
We report a 6 month old male child whose parents reported a history of irritability and typical lion facies
with normal mile stones and radiological features of L’hermitte–Duclos disease.





