Cognitive Network Changes After Exposure to Haptic Vibrotactile Trigger Technology: Results From The ENHANCE Study


  • John J Haddad Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, American University of Technology, Byblos, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Mark De Brincat Castle Rock, Colorado, USA
  • Duane M North
  • Jay Dhaliwal Srysty Holdings Inc., Mississauga, ON, Canada
  • Peter Hurwitz Clarity Science LLC, Narragansett, Rhode Island, USA


EEG, Haptic Vibrotactile Trigger Technology, VTT, CBT, CNS, Cognition, eSmartr, HPT, LORETA, Neuropathology, PNS, qEEG, Somatosensory, ENHANCE study, Srysty Holdings Co., Cognitive Boost Technology, esmartr Smart Compression Sleeve.


The conceptual framework of cognitive networks, or cognits, represents a system of working memory,
especially long-term memory arrays that are intrinsically designed to attain certain behavioral ends
and that are activated by a neural structure. Despite the fact that cognitions can be used in a plethora
of systems, current technologies allow manipulations of the central nervous system (CNS) to execute
certain sensory and motor functions.
Sensation and tactual perception by the skin are an innate mechanism for human survival and represent
our adaptive somatosensorial ability to apprehend information via haptics—the active touch for object
recognition and perception by higher centers of the brain. The somatosensation, which is identified by a
set of channels and receptors sensitive to a variety of stimuli (thermal, tactile, and mechanical), is critical
to survival, balance control, cognition, and pain modulation.
Cognits are cutting-edge tools and modalities that provide a landscape of theoretical assets, evidencebased experimental protocols, computational intelligence schemes, and direct empirical modalities that
facilitate the understanding of the complex functionalities of the human brain.
By evaluating neuroimaging data after somatosensory stimulation and collected via electroencephalogram
(EEG), cognition response and change can be obtained that allows researchers to gain a better
understanding of emerging scientific approaches aimed at understanding human behavioral outcomes.
An emerging technology, haptic vibrotactile trigger technology (VTT), incorporates somatosensory
patterns in compression sleeves. eSmartr Smart Compression Sleeves (Srysty Holdings Inc., Mississauga,
ON, Canada) with VTT and its Cognitive Boost Technology (CBT) pattern is designed to optimize
neural communications for improved mindful wellness. This technology has also been incorporated into
patches, braces, apparel (socks), wrist bands, and other routes of delivery.
Mindful wellness is considered an outcome of somatosensory intervention that modulates the behavioral
responses associated with cognitive networks. Currently, there is limited research exploring these
modalities, exposing the need to study new technologies and their influence on somatosensory pathways
and cognitive networks.
The purpose of this IRB-approved study was to explore the effects of forearm VTT stimulation patterns
on cognitive networks by comparing a baseline EEG to an EEG after placing a sleeve incorporating VTT
on the right or left forearm of adult healthy individuals

Materials and methods: A baseline EEG was recorded over 5 minutes from 19 scalp locations on 20
subjects ranging in age from 17.6 years to 41.9 years (n=7 females, 13 males). The subject’s dominant
arm was then fitted with the eSmartr Smart Compression Sleeve for 20 minutes and another 5-minute
EEG was recorded. Both the LORETA (Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography Analysis) inverse
solution and a power spectral analysis of the surface EEG were calculated.
Additionally, for 10 distinct networks, the current sources from 88 Brodmann areas were computed. The
variables were absolute power and absolute current density in 1 Hz increments in 10 frequency bands
(delta, theta, alpha-1, alpha-2, beta-1, beta-2, beta-3, and hi-beta). Paired t-tests were computed for each
individual for all EEG parameters, as well as group paired t-tests, between the baseline EEG and followup EEG.

Results: The results showed statistically significant t-test differences (P < 0.01) in both the surface EEG
and the LORETA current sources between the baseline measurement and the follow-up ‘sleeve-on’
measurement. The largest differences were detected with a prominent downregulation of alpha and beta
frequency powers at both the surface EEG and the LORETA current sources with the “sleeve-on,” as compared to baseline.
In addition, the maximal effects of the “sleeve-on” condition were in the left frontal and left temporal surface EEGs and
on the medial bank of the somatosensory cortex in the range of the alpha frequency. Changes in the default network and
attention network were also prominent.
Conclusions: Study results indicate that these non-pharmacologic, non-invasive, haptic vibrotactile trigger technology
(VTT) patterned compression sleeves elicited a response in multiple cognitive networks. These networks play a key role in
executive function, memory, attention, mood, and information flow. There was a prominent effect of the haptic vibrotactile
trigger technology with the CBT- patterned sleeves on the EEG that was primarily located in alpha and beta frequency
bands. The substantial impacts on the homuncular projection of the arm to the medial somatosensory cortex as well as the
default network demonstrated activity influenced by the patterned sleeve. The mechanisms of action of the VTT sleeve on
the brain, neuropathways, and the EEG spectrum are still being investigated. If results are confirmed with further research,
this novel VTT technology could be a promising addition as a non-invasive and non-drug treatment approach for a variety
of conditions and therapeutic applications.





