A Case Report on a Patient With Unrecovered Bell’s Palsy of 2 Years Duration Treated With Non- Interventional Pulsed Radio Frequency Electrical Current


  • Berger Phyllis Adjunct Professor - School of Therapeutic Sciences; Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa


Unrecovered facial palsy, noninterventional pulsed radio frequency


Patents with unrecovered Bell’s palsy or a mono facial paresis from other conditions that affect the facial
nerve as in Ramsey Hunt disorder, iatrogenicity or disease, often find that their condition causes long
term paresis in the facial muscles with functional, psychological and social impacts upon their lives.
Previous treatments to the local inflammation occurring in the facial nerve as it exits the stylomastoid
foramen with ultrasound, non-stimulating electrical currents and electrical functional muscle stimulation
of the compromised facial muscles, often do not restore full function to the affected side of the face.
A non-interventional pulsed radio frequency (NI-PRF) electrical current has been observed to stimulate
the facial nerve with fasciculations occurring in the main branch of the VII th nerve and its concomitant
branches to the upper, middle and lower areas of the face resulting in improved motor function. This
commences immediately within the first treatment in acute Bell’s Palsy and only 4-6 treatments are
required to assist most patients. Prolonged conditions that were previously thought unrecoverable (after
years) have restored motor control and this usually occurs between 1 – 3 months of treatment. Treatment
requisite does not have to be continuous and can be given twice weekly or even once weekly over the
period mentioned above. Even if treatment is interrupted the condition continues to improve. This would
have both an economic and efficient time saving impact on these patients.
The main case history of an unrecovered Bell’s palsy of 2 years duration is discussed in this report and
demonstrates marked improvement after only six treatments. Electroacupuncture is often included in the
above treatments as an adjunct to increase circulation and improve muscle activity.





