The effect of combaine administration of L-arginine and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the spectrum of free amino acids and biogen amines in hyppocampus of rats undergoing subtotal cerebral ischemia


  • Razvodovsky YE Institute biochemistry of biologically active substances Academy of science of Belarus 230009, Republic of Belarus, Grodno, str. Boulevard of Lenin’s komsomol,50, Belarus, Russia
  • Smirnov VY
  • Doroshenko EM
  • Bon EI
  • Korotkevich TV
  • Maksimovich NYe
  • Semenenia IN


amino acids, biogenic amines, hippocampus, subtotal cerebral ischemia, L-arginine, omega-3 PUFA.


The aim of this study was to estimate the changes in the pool of free amino acids and their derivatives
in hippocampus of rats undergoing subtotal cerebral ischemia (SCI) and treated with L-arginine
and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Experiment was held on 18 rats: 12 animals were
undergoing bilateral filament occlusion of arteries carotid, 6 of them L-arginine and omega-3 PUFA
was administrated. The drug omega-3 PUFA "Omegamed" (at a dose of 5 g/kg of body weight) was
injected intragastrically during the week preceding the simulation of SIMG. L-arginine (at a dose
of 100 mg/kg body weight) was injected intravenously just before ligation of the common carotid
arteries. The analyses of free amino acids and their derivates levels in the blood plasma extracts were
carried out by reversed phase HPLC. In the hippocampus of rats with SIGM, there was an increase
in the levels of histidine, 3-methylhistidine, glutamine, α--aminobutyrate, isoleucine, leucine, valine,
as well as a decrease in the levels of threonine, tyrosine, and α--aminoadipic acid. Administration
of L-arginine and omega-3 PUFAs prevented ischemia-induced disruption of threonine, histidine,
glutamine, α--aminobutyrate, α--aminoadipic acid levels, and also had a corrective effect on the
serotonin system of the hippocampus.





