Stabilometry and balance training for functional recovery and rehabilitation of a patient with a whiplash associated disorder


  • Koleva Ivet Medical University of Sofia, Physiotherapy Department, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Hadjiyanev Assen Multi-profile University Hospital “St Ivan Rilski”, Neurosurgery Clinic, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Yanev Stefan Medical University of Sofia, Physiotherapy Department, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Yoshinov Borislav4 Sofia University, Medical Faulty, Sofia, Bulgaria


Cervical Spine injury; Physical and Rehabilitation medicine; Physiotherapy; Stabilometry; Whiplash associated disorder


By definition, Whiplash is a bony or soft tissue injury, resulting from rear-end or side impact,
predominantly in motor vehicle accidents, consequence of “an acceleration-deceleration mechanism
of energy transfer to the neck”. The incidence of Whiplash associated disorders (WAD) increase during
last years. Sometimes, clinical practice reveals rare signs, symptoms or complications of this clinical
We present a female patient of 25 years, transferred t our PRM Department one week after traffic
accident, with persistent clinical manifestations, including excessive pain and stiffness in the neck
region and muscles around it; headache, arm tingling; balance and gait instability; attention,
concentration and memory troubles; reactive depression and anxiety. During clinical exam (at the
admission) we diagnosed: vertebral and cervico-brachial radicular syndromes, balance and gait
instability, positive Romberg. Spine X-Ray demonstrates osteochondrosis and spondylosis, static
disturbances with reduction of the physiological cervical lordosis. Magnetic Resonance Imagery
(MRI) of the cervical spine revealed multi-level discal herniation (predominantly C5-6 and C6-7).
During Computerized Stabilometry, we observed altered center-of-Pressure (COP) trajectories and
COP-oscillations with open and closed eyes.
We applied a complex rehabilitation, including paravertebral infiltrations, preformed physical
modalities (TENS and Magnetic field), individualized physiotherapeutic and occupational therapeutic
programme, balance and gait training, patient education.
We noticed significant efficacy of the rehabilitation: improvement of the range of motion of the
cervical spine, pain relief, balance and gait stabilization, amelioration of autonomy in activities of
daily life.
Our opinion is, that every patient after traffic accident needs consultation with a medical doctor
– specialist in Neurology and in Physical and rehabilitation medicine. We consider that early
rehabilitation must be considered in cases with whiplash-associated disorder. We emphasize
on the impact of stabilometry for objective evaluation of the equilibrium disturbances. Some
recommendations for the rehabilitation complex are formulated.





