Comparative Principles of the Structure of the Psyche of the Homo Sapiens and Artificial General Intelligence - PART 2




homeostasis, regulation, uncertainty, adaptive oscillations, need, quasi-attractor


Significant dissociation of the parameters of the internal environment, destabilization of the systemic threshold of equilibrium and controllability of homeostasis leads to the emergence of compensatory need and an increase in uncertainty, which is considered as a measure of information symmetry. A deterministic equivalent reaction is the formation by the psyche of a systemic phase state in which the compensatory need is transformed into an information equivalent – an image, a Code. During the restoration of the homeostatic “current equilibrium”, the updated Code becomes the content of consciousness, the dominant, acquiring the qualities of a resonant operator. Selective interaction with the external environment is carried out by consciousness, which we consider as the interface of the psyche/external environment systems with the dynamic and control functions of the two-way flow of information and regulatory algorithms. The goal-directed search activity of the psyche, initiated by homeostatic imbalance, is instrumentally realized through voluntary attention, and consists in searching for a parametric resonance of electro/magnetic parameters of the information equivalent of the need, the Code and the goal, the Code Key.




How to Cite

Kruglov AG, & Kruglov AA. (2024). Comparative Principles of the Structure of the Psyche of the Homo Sapiens and Artificial General Intelligence - PART 2. Japan Journal of Research, 5(7).


