Cytotoxicity of novel plant-based silver nanoparticles on fibroblasts for use in dental and medical applications


  • Craig Callister Department of Dental Research, Novus Research, USA
  • Matt Callister Department of Dental Research, Novus Research, USA
  • Michael Nolan Department of Dental Research, Novus Research, USA
  • Ryan Nolan Department of Dental Research, Novus Research, USA


Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of novel plant-based silver
nanoparticles (AgNPs) on mammalian fibroblast cells.
Materials and methods: An in vitro prospective, double blind study model was used. A range of
5-17.5 ppm of the novel AgNPs were used in a neutral red uptake cytotoxicity assay. All test samples
were compared to a negative and positive control to assess validity.
Results: The novel AgNPs showed non-cytotoxicity at all concentrations tested. All tested values were
significant compared to the positive controls which showed cytotoxicity (<70% cell viability) via one
way anova (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The novel AgNPs show promise for use in preventative applications for Dentistry
and Medicine. The novel AgNPs could be used as a non-toxic alternative to Chlorhexidine and
Cetylpyridinium Chloride.




How to Cite

Callister, C., Callister, M., Nolan, M., & Nolan, R. (2020). Cytotoxicity of novel plant-based silver nanoparticles on fibroblasts for use in dental and medical applications. Japan Journal of Research, 1(1), 1–5. Retrieved from


