Redeeming Albert Einstein in Debates with Niels Bohr Regarding Wave-Particle Duality and Restoring Objectivity to Science


  • Sarma N Gullapalli


To explain Young’s Double Slit Experiment Niels Bohr postulated his Complementarity Principle according to which if the observation is for interference pattern the particle will change to wave. Albert Einstein had objected: how can inanimate particle know what the observation is about? Experiments have confirmed Bohr’s Complementarity Principle. Upon investigation, the author was able to explain all experiments without invoking Complementarity Principle, using only coherence and alignment considerations. This research recently culminated in revolutionary finding by the author, that particle always remains particle and its wave function always remains wave, no mysterious change from particle to wave or vice-versa and published a paper in the Journal of High Energy Physics and Cosmology (JHEPGC), 9, 596 – 601, widely acclaimed by readership and reviewers. It restores objectivity to science and opens new vistas of research developing new concepts, advancing science.




How to Cite

Sarma N Gullapalli. (2024). Redeeming Albert Einstein in Debates with Niels Bohr Regarding Wave-Particle Duality and Restoring Objectivity to Science. Japan Journal of Research, 5(3). Retrieved from


