Modern Quantum Picture of The World


  • Leo Georgy Sapogin Department of Physics, Technical University (MADI), 64 Leningradsky pr., A-319, Moscow, 125319, Russia


Unitary Quantum Theory, Standard Mode, Quantum Electrodynamics, Maxwell Equations,, Schrödinger Equation, Solid State, Standard ModeHiggs boson, Big Bang


This article describes a model of Unitary Quantum Field theory where the particle is represented as a wave packet. The frequency dispersion equation is chosen so that the packet periodically appears and disappears without form changings. The envelope of the process is identified with a conventional wave function. Equation of such a field is nonlinear and relativistically invariant. With proper adjustments, they are reduced to Dirac, Schrödinger and Hamilton-Jacobi equations. A number of new experimental effects have been predicted both for high and low energies. Fine structure constant (1/137) was determined in 1988, masses of numerous elementary particles starting from electron were evaluated in 2007 with accuracy less than 1 % . 2 pentaquarks, θ+barion, Higgs boson and particle 28 GeV were discovered 11 years later, all of them were evaluated with high accuracy before. The overall picture of the world is based on a unify field. These Equations allow for the beginning of a universe without a Big Bang. Gravity ceases to be a mystery. In principle, a completely new type of "green" energy is possible for mankind.




How to Cite

Leo Georgy Sapogin. (2024). Modern Quantum Picture of The World. Japan Journal of Research, 5(1). Retrieved from


