New Class of Genes in D. melanogaster (Conditional Mutations, Ontogenes, and Biological Role of Ontogenes)


  • B. F. Chadov Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russian Federation
  • N. B. Fedorova Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russian Federation


conditional mutations, ontogenes, Mendelian genes, biophysical interaction of genes, D. melanogaster


The review briefs the history of the search for non-Mendelian genes, including the rationale for their existence and the methods for their discovery in D. melanogaster. The genes are named ontogenes and their mutations, conditional mutations. Characteristic features of conditional mutations in hybridological experiments have been described. Three separate sections dwell on the experimental facts that distinctly outline the difference of this novel group of genes from the classical protein-coding (Mendelian) genes. According to these facts, the specificity in the function of ontogenes consists in (1) the warrant that an organism belongs to a particular species; (2) the control of cellular construction; and, most likely, (3) the presence of nonchemical (biophysical) way of interaction between ontogenes.




How to Cite

B. F. Chadov, & N. B. Fedorova. (2023). New Class of Genes in D. melanogaster (Conditional Mutations, Ontogenes, and Biological Role of Ontogenes). Japan Journal of Research, 4(6), 1–8. Retrieved from


