River Flood Characteristics Along the Canal Area Effected By Hanzhuang Canal Jacking


  • CHEN Xue-qun Water Resources Research Institute of Shandong Province, Jinan 250013, China
  • LI Cheng-guang Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Environment, Jinan 250013, China
  • LIU Jun-feng Shandong Haihe Huaihe Xiaoqing River Basin Water Conservancy Management Service Center, Jinan 250100, China
  • ZHU Ri-qing Shandong Haihe Huaihe Xiaoqing River Basin Water Conservancy Management Service Center, Jinan 250100, China


Hanzhuang Canal, jacking, flood risk, water level, discharge, flood control and scheduling


In this paper, flood characteristics along the canal area effected by Hanzhuang Canal jacking are studied. By coupling the rainfall runoff (NAM) model with the hydrodynamic (HD) model, a 1-D hydrologic-hydrodynamic coupling model was built. On the basis of parameter calibration and model validation, different flood simulation schemes are drawn up, and the influence range of Hanzhuang Canal jacking and the flood characteristics of tributaries affected by Hanzhuang Canal jacking are analyzed respectively. The results show that with the increasing discharge of Hanzhuang Canal, the water level of Hanzhuang canal rises gradually, the main stream flood flows upstream along the tributaries, the water level of the tributaries rises gradually, and the risk of flood disasters increases. Among the tributaries, Taogou River is most affected by Hanzhuang Canal jacking and has the highest risk of flood disaster, followed by Dasha River, Dasha River Floodway and Sizhi Ditch. The results also show that the backwater of Hanzhuang Canal on the tributaries is mainly reflected in the influence on the upstream flood water level process, but has little or no influence on the flood discharge process, which can provide a reference for regional flood control and scheduling department.




How to Cite

CHEN Xue-qun, LI Cheng-guang, LIU Jun-feng, & ZHU Ri-qing. (2023). River Flood Characteristics Along the Canal Area Effected By Hanzhuang Canal Jacking. Japan Journal of Research, 4(4), 1–9. Retrieved from https://journals.sciencexcel.com/index.php/jjr/article/view/450


