Successful experience and enlightenment in the prevention of aging and the construction of the Old- Age Service System in Japan


  • Fei Jia-ming Sports Institute of Huaibei Normal University , Huaibei Anhui 235000, China
  • LiMeng-wei Sports Institute of Huaibei Normal University , Huaibei Anhui 235000, China


Japan, Prevention of Aging, quality of life, successful experience, Enlightenment


Using the methods of literature research, Comparative Analysis, etc. , this paper has discussed the historical process of aging and the similarities and differences between Japan and China. Under the background of the accelerating progress of the population ageing in our country and the increasing number of disabled and semi-disabled elderly, and with reference to the successful experience of Japan in the prevention of aging, this paper has introduced the concrete measures of preventing aging and the construction of advanced and Scientific Social Old-age Service System in Japan. In the light of the current situation of the population ageing in China, learning from the specific measures and successful experience of Japan in the prevention of aging, in order to extend the health years of the elderly in China for more than years and improve their quality of life, it provides the beneficial references for constructing the new social old-age service system.




How to Cite

Jia-ming, F., & LiMeng-wei. (2023). Successful experience and enlightenment in the prevention of aging and the construction of the Old- Age Service System in Japan. Japan Journal of Research, 2(4). Retrieved from


