Volatile Rationality of Industrial Organizations


  • Nikolai Genov National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Kashirskoe shosse, 31, Moscow, Russian Federation


Industrial rationality, Volatility of industrial actors, Volatility of industrial relations, Volatility of industrial processes, Nokia Corporation


The first step in the analysis and argumentation is the building of an analytical concept of rationality to be applied in the case study. The analytical work follows the distinction of actors, relations and processes as constructive axes of the paradigm of social interaction. The second step is the selection of the highly intriguing case of the volatile organizational rationality of the Nokia Corporation for subject matter of the analysis. Third, the research questions for guiding the efforts for precise descriptions, explanations and forecasting have been formulated. Fourth, the specifics of the actors influencing changes of Nokia’s organizational rationality have been described and explained. Fifth, the relevance of the relational networks has been analysed as factor for organizational volatility of Nokia. Sixth, the numerous smalland medium range processes are presented as a major factor influencing the organizational rationality of the Corporation. Seventh, the fusion of the information about actors, relations and processes as factors of the volatility of Nokia’s organizational rationality and interpretation of the changes of Nokia’s rationality as part and parcel of the global trend of upgrading and degrading of the rationality of industrial organizations. .




How to Cite

Nikolai Genov. (2023). Volatile Rationality of Industrial Organizations. Japan Journal of Research, 4(4), 1–10. Retrieved from https://journals.sciencexcel.com/index.php/jjr/article/view/443


