Evaluation of Multifocal Carcinoma in Contrast Spectral Mammography


  • Daniella Paula Dias Coelho Residente of Radiology, Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil
  • Sildomar Queiros e Silva Residente of Radiology, Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil
  • Felipe Pereira de Loredo Residente of Radiology, Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil
  • Jéssica Brito da Silva de Jesus Bachelor of Biomedicine, Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil
  • Katiana Macedo do Vale Feitosa Bachelor of Biomedicine, Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil
  • Bruno Sérgio Costa Brasil Estudant of Medicine, Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil
  • Edwance dos Santos Goes Residente of Radiology, Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil
  • Sabrina Ramos Bianco Full Member of the Brazilian College of Radiology


The early diagnosis and the correct local staging of breast cancer determine the therapeutic schedule and the prognosis, and still constitute a challenge for health teams. Contrast spectral dual-energy mammography (CESM) is a valuable tool and its use is increasingly important in this evaluation. Among the indications, we highlight the evaluation of dense breasts, research of multifocal, multicentric or contralateral lesions, distinction between fibrotic lesions and tumor recurrence, evaluation after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and contraindications to breast resonance. This manuscript brings images of a CESM that identified multicentric lesions in a diagnostic mammographic evaluation, providing decisive information for therapeutic programming. This technique and its implementation in the evaluation of breast cancer are seldom discussed in the national literature, given the limited experience of radiologists and mastologists, a fact that justifies the dissemination of images and the discussion of different evaluation modalities.




How to Cite

Dias Coelho, D. P., Silva, S. Q. e, Loredo, F. P. de, Jesus, J. B. da S. de, Feitosa, K. M. do V., Brasil, B. S. C., Goes, E. dos S., & Bianco, S. R. (2023). Evaluation of Multifocal Carcinoma in Contrast Spectral Mammography. Japan Journal of Research, 2(2). Retrieved from https://journals.sciencexcel.com/index.php/jjr/article/view/35


