Trials of arsenic trioxide therapy should be envisioned for severely respiratory distress syndrome related to a cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients


  • François Rieger CEO, Medsenic SAS, 204 Avenue de Colmar, 67 100 Strasbourg, France


It is becoming more and more obvious, and even consensual, that the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is composed of two distinct phases. The first one is the early episode of infection by the highly contagious SARSCoV- 2 virus. The virus gains access to the type- 2 surfactant secreting alveolar cells of the host lungs via the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (corresponding gene: ACE2) as a main membrane receptor [1]. It then enters the cells thanks to Janus kinases (JAKs)-mediated endocytosis process, as discussed by Stebbing et al., 2020 or Favalli et al., 2020) [2,3] and starts replicating. The second one is clearly related to an excessive release of immune mediators, cytokines or chemokines, which are very recently thought to lead to some 15-20 % of the COVID 19 patients, who develop life threathening severe respiratory distress syndrome [4-6]. However, the treatment of these patients is particularly difficult, as no specific drug therapy is currently recommended.




How to Cite

Rieger, F. (2023). Trials of arsenic trioxide therapy should be envisioned for severely respiratory distress syndrome related to a cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients. Japan Journal of Research, 2(1). Retrieved from


