Logical Beauty Harmony and Natural Shape zones (NSz)


  • Sergio Noviello Milano Estetica, Cosmetic Surgery Center, Milan, Italy
  • Kostantinos Gritzalas Milano Estetica, Cosmetic Surgery Center, Milan, Italy
  • Andrea Maroni Milano Estetica, Cosmetic Surgery Center, Milan, Italy
  • Massimiliano Tocchio Milano Estetica, Cosmetic Surgery Center, Milan, Italy
  • Gualtiero Cogliandro Milano Estetica, Cosmetic Surgery Center, Milan, Italy
  • Nicola Di Benedetto Milano Estetica, Cosmetic Surgery Center, Milan, Italy



Beauty concept

The concept of beauty in the world is certainly influenced by ethnicity [1] and cultural factors [2], but generally harmony, balance and simmetry [3] are common characteristics positively considered by every population. An oval face, defined by lines and with a moderate wide chin is universally considered attractive [4]. It is therefore possible to create harmony by optimizing the appearance of a face in this direction, lightening too prominent features, smoothing the edges or softening that surfaces of the face that could appear too flat [5] (Figure 1).

Aging process

Skin quality and elasticity: Over time the skin undergoes progressive changes [6]. Mimic muscles activity determines the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead and around eyes and mouth. The skin loses tonicity, elasticity, hydration and hyperpigmentations may appear. The folds around the mouth and nose become deeper and the skin exceeds at the level of the mandibular line and under the chin [7].




How to Cite

Noviello, S., Gritzalas, K., Maroni, A., Tocchio, M., Cogliandro, G., & Benedetto, N. D. (2023). Logical Beauty Harmony and Natural Shape zones (NSz). Japan Journal of Research, 1(4). Retrieved from https://journals.sciencexcel.com/index.php/jjr/article/view/21


