A mild oxidative stress could modulate the Nrf2 pathway in CoVid-19 patients


  • Lamberto Re Former Researcher, Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Faculty, University Polytechnic Marche, Ancona, Italy


COVID-19, Vaccination, Oxidative Stress, Nrf2


Due to the technical difficult in built up a stable vaccine against some viruses whose structure change with multiple mutations, the possibility of overcoming the problem could be an indirect approach. As proposed by some authors, the system medicine science suggests the possibility to act counteracting the mechanism induced by the pathogen rather than acts directly against the virus exploiting the hormesis phenomenon. Indeed, most of the COVID-19 fatalities are a consequence of the cytokine storm because of the strong oxidative stress and inflammation induced by an exaggerated response of the immune system. While a vaccine is addressed to simulate the image of the virus and to induce a humoral protection, the indirect approach trough a mild oxidative stress simulates the effect induced by the virus itself promoting the activation of defence mechanisms which in turn could favor the healing of the patients..




How to Cite

Re, L. (2020). A mild oxidative stress could modulate the Nrf2 pathway in CoVid-19 patients. Japan Journal of Research, 1(4). Retrieved from https://journals.sciencexcel.com/index.php/jjr/article/view/20


