Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 – a probiotic with potential for anti-atherogenic, anti-oxidative and anti-diabetic application


  • Tiiu Kullisaar Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, 19 Ravila Street, 50411, Tartu, Estonia
  • Aune Rehema Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, 19 Ravila Street, 50411, Tartu, Estonia
  • Marc Fremont Marc Fremont, VF Biosciense SAS, Executive/R&R Director, 310 Rue Jules Valles, 59120 Loos-lez-Lille, France
  • Mihkel Zilmer Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, 19 Ravila Street, 50411, Tartu, Estonia


Lactobacilli are normal inhabitants of human microbiota. Recent excellent review focused on huge practical potential of Lactobacillus fermentum, Lf ME-3 [1]. Especially valuable is information about the Lf strains that have in addition to common properties also the strainspecific beneficial effects on the host. A number of studies (in vitro, clinical randomized trials, clinical randomized double blind trials) have highlighted that human origin Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 (DSM14241, LfME-3) has several specific properties including antiatherogenic and anti-oxidative effects, possible anti-diabetic influence, ability to manage multiple protective systems like superoxide dismutase, glutathione system, etc [2-4]. For example, probiotic Lf ME-3 has two special enzymes needed for the redox cycle of glutathione (glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase) confirmed by the immunohistochemical method [5]. Beside that Lf ME-3 has glutamyl cystein ligase genes and glycine transporters (MiSeq, Illumina) both are needed to operate glutathione system and glutathione recycling. In addition, use of the Lf ME-3-fermented kefir for 14 days to 43 human subjects results in increase of the peak at m/z 308 (corresponding to glutathione) in the serum established by using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer [6].




How to Cite

Kullisaar, T., Rehema, A., Fremont, M., & Zilmer, M. (2023). Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 – a probiotic with potential for anti-atherogenic, anti-oxidative and anti-diabetic application. Japan Journal of Research, 1(3). Retrieved from


