Effect of Physical Rehabilitation on Hemodynamic Status


  • Grashchenkova АN
  • Grashchenkov DE
  • Puzin SN
  • Bogova ОТ


medical rehabilitation, cardiac rehabilitation, Scandinavian walking;, myocardial infarction, terrenkur;, patients, diseases of the cardiovascular system


Cardiovascular diseases (hereinafter - CVD) have become the leading cause of death worldwide: for no other reason as many people die every year as from CVD. This problem affects low and middle income countries to varying degrees. More than 80% of deaths from CVD occur in these countries, almost equally among men and women, however, patients who survived after myocardial infarction (hereinafter - MI) are at high risk of death. According to the main facts of the WHO, 17.9 million people died from CVD in 2016, which accounted for 31% of all deaths in the world. In this connection, it is necessary to improve medical rehabilitation (hereinafter - MR), in particular for CVD, especially on an outpatient basis. Competent MR, cardiac rehabilitation in patients with myocardial infarction is associated with improved survival and effectiveness of quality of life, as well as prevention of recurrent MI. There is a legislative framework FZ-No. 323 of 21.11.2011 "On the basics of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation" concerning medical rehabilitation and "Procedure for organizing medical rehabilitation" No. 1705n of 29.12.2012. Multiple meta-analysis showed that cardiovascular rehabilitation (hereinafter - CVR) reduces mortality in patients with coronary artery disease. Despite the recommendations and recommending the use of programs for patients with previous MI, patient participation in these programs remains low, which has led to the development of alternative models of medical rehabilitation.





