Membrane Lipid Replacement for reduction of pain, fatigue, gastrointestinal and other symptoms in patients with peripheral pain: Case reports


  • Garth L Nicolson Department of Molecular Pathology, The Institute for Molecular Medicine, Huntington Beach, California 92647, USA
  • Paul C Breeding Blue Hole Chiropractic and Wellness, Houston, Texas 77035, USA


pain, fatigue, gastrointestinal symptoms, phospholipids, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome


A preliminary case study was initiated to determine if oral wafers containing a combination of
membrane glycerolphospholipids (4-6 g per day) could reduce self-reported peripheral and
widespread pain, fatigue, and gastrointestinal symptoms in patients. The first patient was a
51-year-old male veteran who complained of joint and muscle pain, disabling chronic fatigue,
nausea, gastrointestinal symptoms (stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating), intermittent fever, sleep
problems, headaches and short-term memory impairments. He had undergone various treatments
for post-traumatic stress disorder without resolution of his condition. He was placed on 4.8 g per
day oral glycerolphospholipids, and within one week reported improvements in pain, fatigue and
gastrointestinal symptoms. These gains have been maintained as long as he continues taking the
oral glycerolphospholipids. The second patient was a 53-year-old female veteran with sharp stabbing
pain and electrical shocks, tingling and numbness in her legs and feet with headaches, fatigue and
sleep problems. After 5 months on 2 g per day oral glycerolphospholipids with slow resolution of her
symptoms, she switched to 6 g per day oral glycerolphospholipids with dramatic improvements in
peripheral pain, tingling and numbness. Her pain, headaches, fatigue and sleep problems have largely
resolved as long as she continues on the oral glycerolphospholipids at a dose of 6 g per day. The third
patient was a 68-year-old victim of a point-blank shotgun wound to the abdomen who sustained
extensive damage to her large and small bowel that required partial resection in 1978. She suffered
for decades from severe, chronic pain, fatigue, diarrhea and gastrointestinal symptoms that were
unresolved with various treatments. Before presentation she discontinued narcotic pain control, and
after examination she received myofascial trigger point therapy with spinal manipulation. She was
placed on approximately 5 g per day oral glycerolphospholipids. Within 3 weeks she regained control
over her bowel movements and her pain and fatigue levels had improved substantially. Patients that
have continued taking the oral glycerolphospholipids have not regressed in the severity of their
pain, fatigue and gastrointestinal symptoms.





