

  • Giuseppe Piola 296 Crestwood Dr., Port Macquarie NSW 2444, Australia


Through thousands of years, when
nature assembled the human body, besides
the millions of perfectly coordinated
components, placed every part (down to the
smallest molecules) in a specific place and for
a determined purpose, that is why we have
legs for walking, eyes for seen and so forth;
with the rest it provided a “nose” with two
nostrils designed for breathing. The use of
the nose, for breathing, must be regarded as
nature’s plan “A” while the use of the mouth
pan “B”.
The nose, incorporating the TWO
nostrils, is intended to deliver to the lungs a
determined amount of air sufficient to maintain
a smooth functioning of the whole system.
The inhaled air enters the nose cavity where
is cleaned of possible impurities, (including
viruses trapped by the mucus secreted by
the walls cavity) humidified and warmed
before been sent to the lungs appropriately
conditioned for a safe use.
With this in mind, if we analyse the
problem of apnoea, it becomes evident that it
occurs when a person, while sleeping lying
down, breathing with the mouth wide open
and the muscles relaxed, inhales an amount
of air greater than the one intended by nature
with the use of the nostrils.





