Influence of the codon 72 polymorphism of the TP53 gene in the susceptibility of female cancers in Widou Thiengoly


  • Fatimata Mbaye Laboratory of Genomics, Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal
  • Joseph Dominique Sendar Seck
  • Mbacké Sembene


Arg72Pro; Cancers; Female; Risk factors; TP53.


Genetic factors have been implicated in the predisposition to cancer in Senegalese women.
The arginine allele at codon 72 of exon 4 of the TP53 gene has been associated with a
predisposition to several cancers in different populations. The objective of this study was to
determine the effect of this polymorphism in a Senegalese population located in the locality of
Widou Thiengoly. Two hundred and six (206) women living in Widou were recruited as well
as thirty-two (32) control women, all assumed to be healthy. Genotyping of codon 72 of exon
4 of the TP53 gene was performed by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Restriction Fragment
Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) in 122 women. A significant association was found in the
distribution of allelic and genotypic frequencies depending on the locality (p value: 5.6 x 10-
09; OR: 0.015; IC95: 3.5e-04-11e-02). However, no correlation was found between the risk factors
(age, menopause, oral contraception, parity, gestational age, date of onset of first menstrual
period, marital status) and the distribution of the allele frequency in the Widou locality. Due
to the strong presence of the Arg allele in the Widou locality, a vast screening campaign for
female cancers would be recommended.





