Together we can begin fixing public health globally


  • James A Cocores Lab-4 Maillard Misuse Solutions, Redox/Digestion-Balanced Culinary Medicine, and Dynamic Longevity Lifestyles, Palm Springs, Florida, USA


Maillard Abuse Disorder, Worldwide Public Health, Joyous Longevity Lifestyles, COVID-19, Heart Disease


It is irrefutable that most convenience and favored foods and beverages are the leading
cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Government and private health agencies and
organizations and cardiologists specifically, and clinicians in general, have failed and should
be held liable for malpractice for pushing procedures and pills above longevity-lifestyle
redirection for Maillard, alcohol, nicotine, and other drug abuse disorders.
Particular lifestyle transitioning training for specific Maillard, alcohol, nicotine, fentanyl,
and other drug misuse lifestyle transitioning programs have proven the most successful. And
medical publishers and medical school deans to front-line medical clinicians and technicians
are either unwilling or unable to conceptualize the basics of how lifestyle transitioning for
substance misuse works. A must when trying to sell a joyous longevity lifestyle to themselves,
their students, and their overweight residential and ambulatory guests.
A detailed understanding of recovery lifestyle training programs is privy to a small number of
experts globally, RL DuPont, NS Miller, and JA Cocores, for example. Specifics surrounding
why Maillard foods are powerful opiate and dopaminergic agonists are clear to the author.
Falsely arrested and silenced by the Florida Board of Medicine in February 2013 for putting
lifestyle changes above the pharmaceutical industry and prescription cardiology and other
pill-pushing by Hillary Clinton's Florida-based Drug Czar Dave Aronberg.
The purpose of this article is to supply clinicians and healers with information surrounding
why and how Maillard-coated favorite foods and beverages within each country behave like
fentanyl and methamphetamine. And how to sell the unwanted proposition of helping unhappy
browned-food compelled people slowly begin moving towards a joyous longevity lifestyle.
These steps and much more should have been worldwide headlines over the past few decades.
Instead, the world was distracted away from vital, joyous longevity lifestyle information by
corporatocracies and autocratic governments posing as democracies that feed off their wealth
and power.
The world is perpetually distracted from what the average person is most concerned about by
the so-called elite with a self-serving agenda. The elite-funded news of February 23, 2022, is
no exception.
Healers and everyday people need to begin fending for their joyous longevity lifestyle. These
are the first baby steps and formulas to outlive the elites to once again form governments by
and for the people.





