Does gender selection works? An observational study


  • Narges R Ben Halim LAMIS Clinic Misurata Libya
  • Hamza Elmahaishi
  • Mohamed Said Elmahaishi


Sex selection is an option for couples who want to avoid passing a sex- linked genetic disease to their
baby. For example, some females are carriers for over 350 X-linked diseases, even if the disease
does not directly affect them. Hemophilia and Duchenne muscular dystrophy are examples of diseases
that occur with a recessive gene on the X chromosome.
Some choose the sex of their baby because of a personal preference like "Family balancing." Many
studies were done before to prefer one gender upon another.
When we look at the statistics the chances of having a boy or a girl are almost the same and there is no
medical evidence to suggest we can influence

Design: Prospective randomized controlled study.

Setting: The study was conducted at LAMIS Clinic for Obstetrics & Gynecology from January 2015 to
February 2022 and still continue up today.
The study started after observation that use of cyclofert female capsules before conceptions leads to
more probability to male sex embryos.
Our study contains five thousand patients who received cyclofert female capsules at dose of two
capsules per day for at least two months before conceptions. The data was compared with another
one thousands patients who receive placebo. The two groups divided into three according to the
age group. All patient included were on natural cycles and no ovulation inductions used, irrespective
of the parity.

Objectives: To rule out that the observation which is noted that increase male gender embryos related
to use of cyclofertfemal capsules or not.
Results: The overall pregnancy rate irrespective of the age was 86.02% (4301/5000) & 66.6%
(666/1000) for the cyclofert group and the placebo group respectively. Overall abortion rate for
cyclofert group was 1.4% (60/4301) while 9.3% (62/666) for placebo group. 89.69% (3804/4241)
of the total pregnancy were male gender in cyclofert Group, while at placebo group it was 41.23 %
(249/604), (p<0.05 statistically significant).

Conclusion: Gender selection could be work by non-invasive, not expensive, effective, affordable,
and available without complication method by giving cyclofert female capsules, which is, increases
the pregnancy rate, reduces the rate of abortion and increases the male gender embryos. Although,
there is no guarantee that the baby will actually be one sex or the other, but cyclofertfemal capsules
can influence what type of sperm cell will reach an ovum, and fertilize it. Therefore, yes, male gender
selection may be technically possible.





