What is the value of iridology as a diagnostic tool?


  • Noworol OV AM Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków, Poland


demonic healing, eye symptoms, iridology


The article discusses iridology. According to iridologists, the iris of the eye shows a disorder of the functioning of a given organ, or the state of health of different parts of the body, in the form of changes in the color of the iris, spots, shadows, etc., which occur on it. Nonetheless, ocular symptoms concerning the iris are relatively rare and can concern only a few diseases. However, the iris of the eye cannot be used to diagnose the general condition of the entire body, and on its basis it is not possible to read diseases or predispositions to them. The accuracy of iridology diagnosis is contradicted by clinical trials, and iridology is described as useless and potentially harmful. In the article iridology is discussed from the point of view of psychology, theology, and medicine, so as to answer the question whether and when this method can be a fraud, a spiritual threat or a method of treatment.





